Sue Ashforth 07715 110481
Hoopers is a relatively new sport to the UK. You will learn to guide your dog through hoops and tunnels and around barrels gradually learning to send your dogs at a distance. Unlike agility Hoopers is a low impact sport as there is no jumping involved and courses are far more flowing without all the tight turns of agility. This makes it s
Hoopers is a relatively new sport to the UK. You will learn to guide your dog through hoops and tunnels and around barrels gradually learning to send your dogs at a distance. Unlike agility Hoopers is a low impact sport as there is no jumping involved and courses are far more flowing without all the tight turns of agility. This makes it suitable for dogs aged over 5 months and older dogs who may find agility too taxing as they age. You will need a reasonable level of recall
As with agility we use food toys and play to motivate your dog. No harsh handling including shouting at your dog will be tolerated in class.