Sue Ashforth 07715 110481
Lifeskill are the foundations for all your dogs training. Whether you just want a well behaved dog you can be proud to take out or if you want to do dog sports with them, they will need a good foundation first.
Think of it as building a house. If your foundations are solid, your house will last for years, but if you build on sub standard
Lifeskill are the foundations for all your dogs training. Whether you just want a well behaved dog you can be proud to take out or if you want to do dog sports with them, they will need a good foundation first.
Think of it as building a house. If your foundations are solid, your house will last for years, but if you build on sub standard foundations, cracks will soon start to appear and your house may fall down.
Aimed at dogs over the age of 6 months this course will suit adolescent dogs, rescue dogs or those who just need a top up in their training..
Training is done in a very fun way using games so your dog will want to train with you. We do not do repetitive 'drills' that are boring.
I only use reward based methods using food , toys and play to engage your dogs. I want you to enjoy training with your dog not do it as a chore.
The key areas that we will work on are :
Whistle training ( stop whistle)
Loose lead walking
Self control
Jumping Up
We will work on these every week as you cannot learn recall in just one lesson or loose lead walking As you progress each week we will add in more distractions as this is normally when training breaks down
We will work on a lead or longline ( I can loan a longline for class if you don't have one ) whilst the dogs are learning
Saturday mornings at 10.30-11.30am in Cheam (This is an outdoor class so training in a real life environment)
This 6 week course costs £130. Spaces will be limited so I can spend individual time with each dog and handler. Please bring along a family member especially if more than one person will be walking your dog. and to help with recall training
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